Want to know how much of your salary you’ll take home after deductions? Use our Kenyan Salary Calculator to get a clear breakdown of your net pay, including NSSF, PAYE, and SHIF contributions. Whether you’re budgeting or verifying your payslip, this tool makes it easy and accurate.
Kenyan Salary Calculator
Want to know how much of your salary you’ll take home after deductions? Use our Kenyan Salary Calculator to get a clear breakdown of your net pay, including NSSF, PAYE, and SHIF contributions.
Gross Pay:
NSSF Deduction:
SHIF Deduction:
PAYE (Tax):
Net Pay:
This tool uses the latest tax rates and regulations to calculate your net pay. It factors in mandatory contributions like NSSF and NHIF, as well as PAYE deductions based on taxable income. By understanding these components, you can make better financial decisions and ensure compliance with Kenyan tax laws.