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SRC Launches Nationwide Monitoring Visits to Strengthen Public Wage Bill Management

src chair

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is intensifying its efforts to ensure compliance with its guidelines through ongoing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) visits to public institutions at both national and county government levels. These visits aim to assess the implementation of remuneration and benefits as directed by SRC circulars.

To effectively manage the public wage bill, SRC consistently engages public institutions and thoroughly analyzes wage bill data to identify emerging trends. According to SRC, working closely with stakeholders across the public service is crucial for successfully fulfilling its mandate to regulate the wage bill.

In line with this objective, SRC has initiated M&E visits to all 47 county governments. The primary goal is to engage with county leaders and evaluate their adherence to SRC-set remuneration standards. The visits are supported by an M&E digital system, developed by SRC, which county governments use to provide essential data.

During the visits, SRC teams will offer interpretation and clarification of circulars and advice, and where necessary, reach agreements on corrective measures. The visits are in line with the resolutions from the Third National Wage Bill Conference, which aimed to maintain the wage bill-to-revenue ratio at no more than 35% by 2028.

SRC’s engagement with county governments also includes bilateral discussions with governors and leadership teams on how to enhance collaboration in managing the public wage bill effectively.

The meticulous and thorough M&E visits commenced on 27th October 2024 and are expected to conclude on 13th December 2024. Several SRC teams, led by Commissioners Wangui Muchiri, Hon. Sen. Isaac Melly, Abdiwahab Abdi, Commission Secretary/CEO Anne Gitau, and other secretariat staff, are conducting the visits simultaneously across the country.